Monday, 30 November 2009

Project Two - Brief

This is the first step of project two. I have made up a basic template for a possible brief. I chose these colours as they matched my logo theme and they are quite fun which I feel a brief needs to be. I may change the colours and play about but I'm pretty certain I'll be keeping it.
As for the design I have kept it simple as it is still after all a business and doesn't want to be too playful as people won't take the company seriously.
I think overall this design is good as it's basic but fun and does the job it needs to.
All I have to do know is research company briefs and see what type of questions i need to lay out onto the page.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Chosen Logo

This is my chosen logo. I decided on it in the end because I think it looks corperate without been boring. The colour makes it stand out and look fun and I think i can do some interesting things on the lay-out of my creative brief so it looks interesting but still gets all information needed across.

Logo Ideas

Here are just a few logo designs I made up. I started with a simple text one the above left and then altered it into a more complex text format. Eventhough I liked the complex one and it looked good I didn't think it was sutiable for a company logo as it wasn't very corperate so i decided to stick with the original one.
I played about with the colours and found I liked the pink one best so then played about with the under-lining. I wanted under-lineing so I could make the text look more fun but yet corperate. The under-line with the two lines was my favourite as it looked the most professional.
I tried out putting my name in circles but didn't like the idea much so went back to the original idea.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

My First Re-Design

Here is my first attempt at re-designing the artical. I think it's a good attempt but could do with some adjustments.
For example, I will need to re-scan my images in a better quality as there not the best. After I've done this the article will look more professional. Also, I'm not too sure about the font as it may be a little hard to read. I will ask a few people what they think before I make my decision to change it or not.
I am thinking about adding a few more images then the original as it looks quite boring and plain.
I will need to look carefully into where I shall get these images from. Maybe a bit more colour is needed aswell.
I have a lot to think about before I continue with the rest of my work.

Re-Production Of Original Artical

This is a scan of the original artical, the one I am going to re-design. It is a simple piece with easy designs. I chose this artical as I felt it wasn't going to be too hard for me as my abilities are quite limited at the moment.

On InDesign I had a play around and tried to re-produce the same artical. They aren't exactly the same as I couldn't use all of the tools but I think I did a pretty good job of it. The text is near enough in the same place and the large image. I am pleased with the results. Below is my version of this very artical.

Initial Layout

This is the initial layout of my modified artical. All I have done is wrote out the text and uploaded it to InDesign. This just gives me an idea of how much text will be on the pages and gets me thinking about how I can present it on my final piece of work.
I don't have a clue how to work InDesign so my next step will be to just have a play about on it and figure out how to use all of the tools. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it all in the next couple of weeks but I feel I will really struggle with it.
Nothing left to do but just have a go i suppose.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Love Magazine

Love MagazineI have chosen Love magazine to be my first even project in Digital Technologies and Print Production class as it's a relatively new magazine.

I thought seems as I've never done this class before I might as well look into a magazine I've never seen before and make it a total new experience for me.

I got quite excited about this magazine as it was like nothing I'd ever read before. The lay out of the pages and the actual articals are so different to typical highstreet magazines you always buy.

The editors have focused on young people from around the world which they see to have inspirational talents that they could share with the world. It isn't about useless celebrites and their love lifes for once.

These young people just come from ordinary backgrounds and have been given a chance to promote theirselves through this magazine. For instance, one of the main articals is about young boxers and how they are not all violent thugs like the world percieves them to be and tells us abit about all of their lives. I thought this was an unusual artical as not many magazines (unless a sports related one) would do such an artical.

However there are afew similarities like the use of Pixie Geldolf and Taylor Swift, the celebrity factor but they use them as part of the magazine instead of just been an artical about them.

Also there is an artical abour Coco Sumner who is a celebrity in her own way (Sting's daughter) but not a very well known one so people don't just buy this magazine for the face on the cover.

I don't however like the fact that half the magazine is advertisments as it gets boring flicking through them all to find the interesting stuff. The other down fall in my eyes is the fact that half way through an artical it just stops and you have to carry it on at the back of the magazine which is very annoying.

My Chosen Artical ...

I have chosen to re-design the artical on the store Hollister and the people that work there.

I found the artical interesting as it wasn't like an advertisments for the shop it was more about the people who make it what it is. I thought seems I will have to be staring at this piece of work for a long time I may as well be looking at something interesting.

The length of the artical is just about right as it isn't too long so it becomes boring but it isn't too short so it's too quick and easy and I don't actually learn anything from it.

This project will be a struggle for me but I will try my hardest to get my head around it all and complete it to the highest standard I can achieve.