Monday, 22 February 2010

Corinne Day's Work ..

Here are a few shoots that Corinne Day has done. I thought it wuld be a good idea to research into her styles and take some good tips from it.

I liked this image as it is a simple piece but it's the use of the head garment that makes it interesting. Without that piece it would just bit a little bit dull and so so. The colours contrast greatly with the black background.

I have chosen to look at these images because as a group we decided on doinh our shoot in a studio as it gives more of that Topshop feel. These are perfect examples of good studio work and I think with a bit of practise there is no reason that as a group we can't produce this kind of work.
I especially like the one with the scarf where Corinne as clearly used a fan to get that effect. We should look at doing something simpliar but adapting it to the garments we choose for our shoots. As we are doing a Spring/Summer shoot for Topshop the floatyness of this fabric is perfect. It will give off that perfect look that we are after. Well I am after i have yet to discuss this with the group so I can't get ahead of mnyself.

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