I visited Nick Knights Somerset House Exhibition - SHOWstudio. I went there last year on a trip to London with the university and it was there that I witnessed Nick Knights work of Naomi Campbell. It was named Naomi.
Nick Knight has always photographed Naomi Campbell all the way through his career and that's why he has decided to use her in this piece of work. This project 'is a sculptural rendering of her body using 3-D scanning technology and rapid prototyping, creating a monument of the model as a cypher for our preoccupations and unwavering interest in the culture of celebrity.' I got this quote from the official SHOWstudio handbook that I bought.
The general idea I am getting at is the sculpture. Nick Knights concept clearly as meaning and is about something whereas I am just interested in the technical part of the piece and the idea.
All the piece is is a giant sculpture which is hooked up to a computer that the general public can operate and draw images onto the sculpture digitally. They can do what the please and when the next person comes to use it the computer gets wiped and you start again with a plain canvas or sculpture in this case.
Here is a image of the sculpture when it has been drawn on:
I was thinking of taking this concept and scaling it down to a more of a retail level. As I have decided to go with New Look as my company I was thinking of using a more fashion related sculpture rather then a celebrity. Something everyone could relate to and know it's fashion based like a mannequin or something?
Anyway we put the mannequins or whatever other sculpture I decide on in the high streets. In a glass box maybe to stop vandalism as you have to think of these things. With a little touch screen pad that people can use to draw images into the model.
I think this is a great idea that is interactive with the public and has not been done yet. It will defiantly drum up some media attention which is what visual merchandising is about.
The only reason I am not going to use this idea for this project is because it is for New Look. It's a quite art based idea and out there which just is not suited to New Look. The customer base for New Look is a large one which doesn't fit with the inventiveness and creativeness for this idea. Even though I will not be using this idea because of the reasons above I wanted to publish this idea on my blog to show that I can have good interesting ideas but with my ability on Photoshop and the customer in mind it just will not work.
Next year or the year after when my abilities on Photoshop have improved then I will develop this idea and maybe put it into another project as I think it's a great idea.
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