Thursday, 22 April 2010

Project Five Conclusion ...

After completing this project I feel I have learnt a lot about visual merchandising and the methods used. This is an important thing to learn in my opinion as if I want to carry on into digital technologies it will be a good source to keep in mind.

After careful consideration and research I was able to choose the store and method that was suited to my choice and I have come to realise that everything needs to be thought out and you cannot rush into things and just do them as the outcome doesn't work out like you had planned. My first initial idea would have been a good one but I didn't think ahead to the point that my abilities didn't stretch that far to complete the Photoshop work it would have needed. I did give it a good go but it just wasn't happening for me.

My skills on Photoshop have definitely developed and doing this project has opened my eyes to new features on there that I had never noticed before. A few more months or so of using Photoshop and I think I will be quite skilled on the programme and will be able to complete tasks to a better standard.

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